Our mission is to
provide a clean, safe and welcoming venue to the community which, through its
facilities and activities, allows people to learn and develop skills, socialise
and gain friendships.
Snooker Club
(*) When: Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00, 19:00-23:00 & Sat 09:00 -
13:00 Where: Snooker Room Cost: HCC £18 Membership, Snooker
£20, plus lights (£2/hr) + HCC Membership Contact: Craig Pullin
- Tel 07977 009595
Two full-sized tables, Junior and seniors, league
team and casual players welcome. OAPs can play daytimes.
HCC Tennis Club (*) When: Daily (09:00 -
22:00) Where: HCC Sports Ground Cost: Visitor £3, £110 adult,
£35 junior Contact: Rob James 07972 079414 Email:
robert.james@blueyonder.co.uk Web:
Very friendly tennis club with
7 adult club sessions and junior sessions throughout the week - all year round.
LTA coach and social events. Beginners classes on Wed eve. See website for
more information or pop in (Tues/Thurs Eve club nights)
Lounge Bar
(!) When: Tues( 1930-2200), Wed/Fri (1930-2230) Where: Lounge
Bar Cost: HCC Membership Contact: HCC Office 0117 967-4439
Why not
join and benefit from lower beer prices (see the Lounge Bar tab). Fast wifi
internet connection throughout the bar area.
Short Mat Bowls Group
(!) When: Monday (10:30-12:30) Where: Elbrow Suite Cost:
£3.50 + HCC Membership Contact: HCC Office 0117 967-4439
have three mats each with two teams of 4 players, and we play 'just for fun' so
why not come along and join in. Also Mon PM and Friday AM.
Pilates When: Monday AM
(10:00 and 11:15) Where: Wessex Suite Cost: £5.50 per
class Contact:John Hennessy (07837 302678) Email:
jehfitness@aol.com Web:
Classes 10:00 - 10:55 and 11:15 - 12:15.
Pilates suitable for
all ages and abilities, all mats and equipment supplied. Improve body shape,
posture, muscle strength, flexibility and coordination.
Limbering fitness class taken from acrobatic/ballet limbering but adapted to
the level of ladies between 35 and 80 yrs (or all ladies). Clothes able to
move-in and a yoga matt.
are a group who love to stitch! We make cross stich, tat, knit, bobbin lace,
crochet, embroider! Why? Because stitching is more fun, when done together
as a group! We have no teacher but we inspire one another with our current,
past and future projects. No doubt, we are often "in stitches", as we enjoy
the company of like-minded people who share our love of threads, laughter and
friendships! Come and join us, we will be "In stitches" in one way or
WI (2nd Monday) When:
Monday PM (13:30 - 16:00) Where: Wessex Suite Cost: Annual
Subs Contact: Liz (0117 961-1583)
Monthly meeting with a speaker on
various topics. Outings to places of interest. Ladies of all ages
Short Mat Bowls Group
(!) When: Monday (14:00 - 16:00) plus Mon & Fri AM Where: Elbrow
Suite Cost: £3.50 + HCC Membership Contact: HCC Office 0117
We have three mats each with two teams of 4 players, and we
play 'just for fun' so why not come along and join in. Also Mon AM and Friday
Hanham Ukuleles When:
Monday (13:00 - 14:30) Where: Wesley Room Cost: £2.00 per
session Contact: Barry 0117 9279634
Why not join? Absolute
beginners and all ages welcome. Ukuleles available to borrow. Contact
Barry for more info. (Starts 13th Jan 2025)
Zumba Fitness When:
Monday Eve (19:00 - 20:00) Where: Wessex Suite Cost: £5.00 per
class (discounts available) Contact: Celena Lewis 07525 214-755 Email:
celena45lewis@yahoo.co.uk Web:
Suitable for begineers and improvers.
All Welcome.
19:00-20:00 and 20:00-21:00 Yoga to restore,
refresh and rejuvenate.
All levels welcome.
Kids Karate
Classes When: Monday Eve (18:00 - 19:00) Where: Avon Room Cost:
£40.00 per Month Contact: Marco Fanicchi 07704 594-648 Email:
marco.fanicchi@gmail.com Web:
Karate classes for 4-7 and 8-15
years. Self defence, core strength and fitness, improved concentration, strong
value system, disicpline, focus, confidence and self-esteem.
Brushstrokes Art Club
(*) When: Tues AM (10:00-12:30) Where: Avon Room Cost: £8
monthly + HCC membership Contact: Phil Williams 07490 068563 Email:
Friendly art club for provision of facilites for all standards,
beginners welcome - whilst material is not supplied, help is always given
willingly if needed in all styles and mediums. Open to adults, but some junior
members welcome accompanied by parent or guardian at all times.
Varied fitness classes for
all abilities. Excercise to help you look, feel and move better. Improve
confidence. Nutritional support and advice. Weight management and
Hearoic - Mobile Ear
Car When: 1st Tues of the Month (0800 - 1700) Where: Car
Park Cost: Contact for Details Contact: Lynne Sheppard 07979
788376 Email: lynee@hearoic.co.uk Facebook Group -
Ear Care
and Hearing Assessments
3D Echo/Electric Street
Dance When: Tues PM (1600-1700) Where: Wessex Suite and Avon Room (2
Classes) Cost: Term time payment Contact: Louise Hopton 07754
039059 Email: louisewelsh16@hotmail.com Facebook
Group -
3D Dance Bristol Fun and energetic: 3D Echo (5-7 yrs)
1600-1700 (Wessex) 3D Electric (8-10 yrs) 1600-1700 (Avon)
Warm Ups,
Dance games and routines to the latest tunes; and competitions and festivals
Hanham Carers Support Group
(1st Tues) When: Tuesday PM (13:30 - 15:30) Monthly Where: Ridgeway
Room Cost: Free (just come along) Contact: Nathalie Coquery 0117 965-2200
or 07762 288112 Email: nathaliec@carerssupportcentre.org.uk See:
www.carerssupportcentre.org.uk Monthly informal carers
group, free refreshments and activities / speakers. Discussions, information
and support about careers' needs and issues. Outing in July (no meet in
August), Xmas Meal outing in Dec. Open to carers from all areas, not just
Hanham. Please note the 'cared for person' is not able to attend.
3D Elavate/Express Street
Dance When: Tues Eve (1715-1815) Where: Wessex Suite and Avon
Suite Cost: Term time payment Contact: Louise Hopton 07754
039059 Email: louisewelsh16@hotmail.com Facebook
Group -
3D Dance Bristol Fun and energetic 3D Elevate
(9-12yrs) 1715-1815 (Wessex) 3D Express (5-7yrs) 1715-1815 (Avon) Warm
Ups, Dance games and routines to the latest tunes; and competitions and
festivals too!
Hearoic - Mobile Ear
Car When: 1st Tues of the Month (0800 - 1700) Where: Car
Park Cost: Contact for Details Contact: Lynne Sheppard 07979
788376 Email: lynee@hearoic.co.uk Facebook Group -
If you like to move your body
to music, then Zumba fitness is for you! Grooving to the beats of salsa,
merengue, flamenco and more - this is more like a party than a workout. All
levels of fitness - just turn up and have fun.
3D Elavate/Express Street
Dance When: Tues Eve (1715-1815) Where: Wessex Suite and Avon
Suite Cost: Term time payment Contact: Louise Hopton 07754
039059 Email: louisewelsh16@hotmail.com Facebook
Group -
3D Dance Bristol Fun and energetic 3D Elevate
(9-12yrs) 1715-1815 (Wessex) 3D Express (5-7yrs) 1715-1815 (Avon) Warm
Ups, Dance games and routines to the latest tunes; and competitions and
festivals too!
Chess Club (*) When:
Tuesday Eve (19:30-22:30) Where: Somerset Room (1st Floor) Cost:
£34 per annum + HCC Membership * Contact: Phillip Lawson 07855
290575 hanhamchess@gmail.com
A friendly
and social club welcoming new members from beginners to expert. Whether you
want to play friendly games or more competitive games we can cater for this.
Currently two teams in the Bristol and District Chess League - plus a summer
* if you play league chess, you will also need to join the
English Chess Federation
Mixed level yoga
class. Suitable for total beginners as well. All equipment provided, come
wearing comfy clothing that you can move in, and maybe a bottle of
LushTums Pregnancy
Yoga When: Tuesday EVE (18:30 - 20:00) Where: Gloucester
Room Cost: £12.00 per session Contact: Kim Mousley 07766
524652 Email: kim.mousley@lushtums.co.uk
Community-run friendly
club for both those who want to take part in competitive Judo and those who
just want to have some fun learning the sport/art whilst training for speed,
strength and flexibility in a fun safe environment - for children of all ages
and abilities.
Membership; £10 for first three months, then
£28/£34 annually. Discount on sessions for famlies. Session
includes warmup, breakfalls, technique, randori, throws, hold downs, armlocks,
strangles Male and female coaches
40m class of aerobic workout
followed by 20m of stretching. No floorwork - all standing
Tai Chi
Movement for Wellbeing (TMW) When: Wednedsay AM (11:30 -
12:30) Where: Wessex Suite Cost: £10.00 per session Contact:
Helen Chambers 07968 361129 Email:
TMW is a wonderful way to ease stress and build balance, strength and
flexibility in your body and mind. It is gentle, easy to learn and can be done
stadning or seated. No previous experience is needed - and it is suitable for
all fitness levels.
Fun interactive and progressive
balance bike classes for children ages 18m - 8yrs.
WI (4th Wed) When:
Monday AM (14:00 - 16:00) Where: Somerset Room Cost: Contact: Moira
Mitchell 0117 935-3299
WI Committe Meeting
3D Mini's Pre-School Dance
Class When: Wed PM (1330 - 1430) Where: Elbrow Suite Cost:
£4.00 per session Contact: Louise Hopton 0775 4039059 louisewelsh160@hotmail.com
3D Dance is an
established Dance Group and we now introduce our Mini Classes. A 'stay and
dance' session for parents and pre-schoolers (walking up to school age) who
love music and love to dance! Short routines and fun with props and instuction
from Dance teachers.
Hanham Local History Society
(1st & 3rd Wed) When: Wed PM ( 14:00 - 16:00) Where: Wessex
Suite Cost: £2.50 per week Contact: Doug Crew 07805 131839 hanhamhistory@gmail.com Web:
We learn about, research,
enjoy and record our local history and heritage. On alternative meetings we
have a quest speaker talking about anything of historical
Anyone can attend our meetings as long as they abide by the
constitution. They do not need any special skills and can either join us in our
research, or just come along and be entertained.
3D Excel/Future/Extreme Street
Dance When: Wed PM (1545-1645, 1600-1700, 1730-1830) Where: Elbrow
& Wessex Suite, Avon Room Cost: Term time payments Contact: Louise
Hopton 0775 4039059 louisewelsh160@hotmail.com
Street Dance (Rec+)
(1545-1630) 3D Excel (6-9yrs) 1545-1645 (Elbrow) 3D Future (9-13yrs)
1600-1700 (Avon/Wessex) 3D Extreme (13-16yrs) 1730-1830 (Wessex) Warm
Ups, Dance games and routines to the latest tunes; and competitions and
festivals too!
Hanham Players - Drama Club
(*) When: Wed and Fri Eve (19:30 - 22:15) Where: Wed (Elbrow Suite),
Fri (varies) Cost: £18 per annum + HCC Membership Contact:
Charlotte Email: char36@hanhamplayers.org Web:
Hanham Players Produce three productions per year in
January (panto), June and October. They are looking for new acting and
non-acting members. Acting, singing, stage craft, lighting, set design,
sound, costumes and much more. Come and join us - no experience
Also Youth group on Friday eve (term time).
Duplicate Bridge Club (*) When: Wed Eve (19:15 - 22:15) Where: Avon Room (1st Floor) Cost:
£2.50 per session (plus HCC membership) Contact: Graham Willis 07790
491564 Email: Caroline carolinej356@gmail.com Web:
Duplicate Bridge. New
members and visitors always welcome (some knowledge of bridge required, so not
suitable for complete beginners). Very friendly & relaxed club.
Hanham Detachment - Bristol
Army Cadet Force When: Wed Eve (19:00 -21:30) Where: Ridgeway
Room Cost: Nil Contact: Kim Duddridge 07970 690 393
Military style cadet training.
Basic military skills, sports and adventure training. 12 to 18 years.
3D Elite Street
Dance When: Wed Eve (1840-1940) Where: Wessex Suite Cost: Term
time payment Contact: Louise Hopton 0775 4039059 louisewelsh160@hotmail.com
3D Elite (16+yrs)
1840-1930 (Wessex) Warm Ups, Dance games and routines to the latest tunes;
and competitions and festivals too!
WI (3rd Wed) When:
Wednesday Eve (19:30 - 21:30) Where: Whittuck Room Cost: £41
membership Contact: Pam Hunt 0117 960-8494
Come and join the WI for
fun, friendship and education. Each month we have speakers or entertainment,
day trips and other activities organised - visit places of interest in Bristol
and farther afield.
New members and visitors welcome.
3D Adult Street Dance
(Beg) When: Wed Eve (1945-2045) Where: Wessex Suite Cost: £4
per session Contact: Louise Hopton 0775 4039059 louisewelsh160@hotmail.com
3D Adult (Adult)
1945-2045 (Wessex) Energetic anf fun dance class for all. pay as you
Clear Yoga When: Wed Eve
(19:00 - 20:00) Where: Online Only Cost: £8.00 per class
* Contact: Claire Robertson (07397 385015) Web:
www.clearyogaclearheart.com . A Yoga/Pilates class. I
provide a range of beautiful community classes within Bristol and the
surrounding area, offering natural Yoga, Pilates and dance movement technique
sessions. A combined session to utilize the toning and precision of Pilates
with the depth of Yoga breath/mind and heart space awareness.
£6.50 for 4/5 monthly
Zumba Fitness - Suitable for
all Ages When: Wed Eve (18:00 - 19:00) Where: Elbrow Suite Cost:
£5.00 per class Contact: Philomena 07966 373-089 Email:
zumbainbristol@aol.com Web:
Low impact zumba delivers the
same music and fun as Zumba fitness, but some moves are modified for those who
don't want (or can't) do high impact moves.
For all fitness levels, and
you work to your own pace. Come along and join the Zumba party!
If you like to move your body
to music, then Zumba fitness is for you! Grooving to the beats of salsa,
merengue, flamenco and more - this is more like a party than a workout. All
levels of fitness - just turn up and have fun.
Zumba gold particpants are
active older adults, beginners or anyone not wanting a high impact class.
It's a great way to get moving to a wide range of music and to meet new
You work to the level which suits you best.
Mamafit(Term time
only) When: Thurs AM (09:30 - 10:15) Where: Wessex Suite Cost:
£8 per class (payg) Contact: Carly Wilkinson 07854 690400 Email:
projecthb@live.co.uk Web:
Low impact, fun, friendly
fitness tailored for the needs of psot-natal mums. Restore your core and pevlic
floor, get functionality strong for motherhood and gently introduce cardio into
your week.
We are a small friendly art
club originally set up in 1970. Club members paint in all media, we have
occasional tutoring. Club members are always willing to help each other with
advice and encouragement. We hold a yearly exhibition and sale of work.
varied yoga flow for all abilities. A vinyasa flow, gently guided using all
limbs of yoga - building strength in the body mentally and physically. A gentle
introduction to all stems of yoga. Some classes can be dynamic to suit
Black Sheep
Harmony When: Thurs Eve (19:30 - ) Where: Elbrow Suite Cost:
£15 per month Contact: Tel Catherine 07754 398840 or Noey 07899
Black Sheep Harmony are an
award-winning amateur female A Cappella Group of approx. 40 members. We sing a
variety of music, performing and competing in events across the South West. We
are open to singers age 18 plus, with no upper age limit. You must be able to
sing in tune. Take a look at our website to have a listen and find out what we
are all about.
LushTums Womens
Yoga When: Thurs EVE (20:15 - 21:15) Where: Ridgeway Room Cost:
£12.00 per session Contact: Kim Mousley 07766 524652 Email:
Connect with other Women...
move and breathe to release ... restore yourself.
Kids Karate
Classes When: Thurs Eve (17:00 - 18:00) Where: Avon Room Cost:
£40.00 per Month Contact: Marco Fanicchi 07704 594-648 Email:
marco.fanicchi@gmail.com Web:
Karate classes for 4-7 and 8-15
years. Self defence, core strength and fitness, improved concentration, strong
value system, disicpline, focus, confidence and self-esteem.
The most fun you can have in
a chair! Ideal for people with limited mobility. Zumba Gold seated is a great
alternative to regular Zumba - the perfect way to get moving, increase
flexibilty and raise your spirits whilst grooving to some great music. plus a
cuppa after in the coffee lounge.
Pilates When: Friday AM
(10:00-11:00) Where: Whittuck Room Cost: £5 per class Contact:
Beccy 07782 278257 Email: lightbex1@gmail.com Web:
Pilates to improve posture, mobility and core strength. Pay as you go.
All ages and abilities welcome.
We are a self help
lace group that actively promotes lace through the making of traditional and
contemporary bobbin, crocheted, knitted, needle, tatted lace and crafts
associated with lace. We also get together for a whole or half day to
indulge in special projects, support other lace groups, events and attend lace
fairs. If you are passionate about lace and fancy a bit of 'pillow talk'
with some new bobbin buddies - come and join us and bring the 'bounce' back to
your Thursdays.
katana Judo Kai When:
Friday EVE (19:00 - 20:00) Where: Ridgeway Room Cost: £14-16 /
month + Membership Contact: Matt Hope 07986 508957 Email:
Community-run friendly
club for both those who want to take part in competitive Judo and those who
just want to have some fun learning the sport/art whilst training for speed,
strength and flexibility in a fun safe environment - for children of all ages
and abilities. Membership; £10 for first three months, then
£28/£34 annually. Discount on sessions for famlies. Session
includes warmup, breakfalls, technique, randori, throws, hold downs, armlocks,
strangles Male and female coaches
Hanham Players - Drama Club
(*) When: Fri Eve (19:30 - 22:15) (also Wed Eve) Where: Wed (Elbrow
Suite), Fri (varies) Cost: £18 per annum + HCC Membership Contact:
Charlotte Email: char36@hanhamplayers.org Web:
Hanham Players Produce three productions per year in
January (panto), June and October. They are looking for new acting and
non-acting members. Acting, singing, stage craft, lighting, set design,
sound, costumes and much more. Come and join us - no experience
Also Youth group on Friday eve (term time).
Hanham Players - Youth Group
(*) When: Fri Eve (19:00 - 21:00) Where: Avon Room - but
varies Cost: £9/annum + £35/production cost + some
extras Contact: Charlotte Lawrence Email:
hpyg@hamnhamplayers.org Web:
Hanham Players The Youth Group meets on a Friday evening,
where the they learn a range of drama and stage craft skills and prepare for a
full production. Between September and January they prepare to join the main
club for the pantomime, while from January to June they prepare for a
production of their own to be presented at the end of June.
Drama group for 11-18yrs. Fun, games and drama - no
previous experience essential. Times vary as needed for performances - some
parental support during performances required. Note: There is currently a
waiting list to join this group.
Snooker Club (*) When:
Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00, 19:00-23:00 & Sat 09:00 - 13:00 Where: Snooker
Room Cost: £18 HCC, £20 Snooker Membership, plus lights
(£2/hr) + HCC Membership Contact: Craig Pullin - Tel 07977
Two full-sized tables, Junior and seniors, league team and casual
players welcome. OAPs can play daytimes.
Lounge Bar (!) When: Sat
(19:30 - 23:30) Where: Lounge Bar Cost: HCC Membership Contact: HCC
Office 0117 967-4439
Why not join and benefit from lower beer prices
(see the Lounge Bar tab). Fast wifi internet connection throughout the bar
3D Spotlight (Theatre Dance
Class) When: Sat AM (0915 -1100) Where: Avon Room Cost: Term time
payment Contact: Louise Hopton 0775 4039059 louisewelsh160@hotmail.com
If you organise one of the regular activities
at the Community Centre then please let the office have any information for
this page - just complete an
info sheet
and drop it into the office.
Don't forget - when (day/date), where
(room), how long for, costs (regular, on-off), description of what you do, Tel
No, Email address - and even a picture (jpg).
Please also note that many
of the activities held at the Centre are organised by 3rd party providers, and
the Trustees cannot be held responsible for any such activities - but please
let us know if you have a problem and we will try to help.
marked with an (*) are sections of the Community Centre; while those marked
with a (!) are activities operated by the Centre - all other activities are
operated by 3rd party providers.